Merchant Application Object
The Merchant Application object is the base object for a Merchant Application submission. From the Merchant Application object, you will build out the rest of the objects and fields that make a complete submission of a Merchant Application.
Merchant Application Client Object
Description | This field links the Merchant Application you are about to create to your Partner SDK Credentials. |
JSON String | merchant_application_client |
Type | JSONObject |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Must include SDK Username, SDK Password, SDK Key |
Merchant Application Object
Description | This field opens the request for a new Merchant Application and all other objects will be under this field. |
JSON String | merchant_application |
Type | JSONObject |
Required | Yes |
Share To Email
Description | The account signer's email address where you want the Merchant Application sent to for their signatures. |
JSON String | merchant_application_share_to_email |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Must be a valid email address. |
Auto Share to Merchant
Description | This will automatically share the application to the Merchant to get their signature. |
JSON String | merchant_application_auto_share_to_merchant |
Type | Boolean |
Required | No |
Auto Submit to Underwriting
Description | This will automatically submit the signed application to the Base Commerce Underwriting Department. |
JSON String | merchant_application_auto_submit_to_underwriting |
Type | Boolean |
Required | No |
Comments | This can only be enabled once your integration specialist has approved you to do so. |
Program ID
Description | The Application Program ID for your Merchant Application. |
JSON String | merchant_application_program_id |
Type | Integer |
Required | Yes |
Comments | These will be provided to you by your integration specialist. |
API Version
Description | Indicates what version of the API you are using to submit your applications. |
JSON String | merchant_application_api_version |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Response Code
Description | Describes the status of the submitted Merchant Application. On a successful submission, this field will be set to 200. On a submission with errors, this field will be set to 600. |
JSON String | merchant_application_response_code |
Type | Integer |
Required | Yes |
Response Messages
Description | Contains errors and the field that caused them on a returned Merchant Application. Key = field, Value = error. Errors should be fixed before reattempting to submit the application. |
JSON String | merchant_application_response_messages |
Type | Map<String, String> |
Required | Yes |
Custom Fields
Description | Custom Fields that can be setup by Base Commerce on your Applications. |
JSON String | merchant_application_custom_fields |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | Please speak with your integration specialist for any custom fields for your applications. |
BaseCommerceClient o_client = new BaseCommerceClient( "SDK_USERNAME", "SDK_PASSWORD", "SDK_KEY" ); o_client.setSandbox(true); MerchantApplication o_merchant_application = new MerchantApplication(); o_merchant_application.setShareToEmail( "" ); o_merchant_application.setAutoShareToMerchant( false ); o_merchant_application.setAutoSubmitToUnderwriting( false ); o_merchant_application.setProgramId( "7" ); o_merchant_application.setApiVersion( "1.2" ); //other objects and fields will be in this section System.out.println(" o_merchant_application json = " + o_merchant_application.getJSON() ); try { List<MerchantApplication> o_merchant_application = o_client.submitApplication( o_merchant_application ); for ( MerchantApplication o_merchant_application : o_merchant_application ) { System.out.println("\n\n o_merchant_application response code = " + o_app.getResponseCode() ); System.out.println("\n\n o_merchant_application response messages = " + o_app.getResponseMessages() );