Account Object
The account object contains all of the basic info regarding your Merchant Application.
Account Name
Description | The company’s Legal Name. |
JSON String | account_name |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Legal Address
Description | Legal Address where the business is registered. Not necessarily the physical location address of the business. |
JSON String | account_legal_address |
Type | Object |
Required | Yes |
Address Line 1
Description | The Street Address portion of the business's Legal Address. |
JSON String | address_line_1 |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Address City
Description | The City of the business's Legal Address. |
JSON String | address_city |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Address State
Description | The State of the business's Legal Address. |
JSON String | address_state |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Use only the two character state abbreviation. (i.e. AZ, NY) |
Address Zipcode
Description | The 5-digit Zip Code of the business's Legal Address. |
JSON String | address_zipcode |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Account Phone Number
Description | Phone Number associated with the Legal Name of the business. |
JSON String | account_phone_number |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Format: (NNN)NNN-NNNN |
Customer Service Phone Number
Description | The Customer Service Number for billing or service issues. |
JSON String | account_customer_service_phone_number |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Format: (NNN)NNN-NNNN |
Description | The name the company is Doing Business As. |
JSON String | account_dba |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Entity Type
Description | The Type of Entity the company is registered as. |
JSON String | account_entity_type |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Valid Values: XS_ENTITY_TYPE_CORP = "Corporation"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_GOV = "Government"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_LLC = "LLC"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_NON_PROFIT = "Non-Profit"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_Other = "Other"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_PARTNERSHIP = "Partnership"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_PRIVATE_UTILITY = "Private Utility"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_PUBLIC_UTILITY = "Public Utility"; XS_ENTITY_TYPE_SOLE_PROPRIETOR = "Sole Proprietor"; |
Description | The company’s Tax Identification Number. |
JSON String | account_ein |
Type | String. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | 11 digits. No hyphen. |
IP Address of App Submission
Description | The IP Address that the application is being submitted from. |
JSON String | account_ip_address |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Must be an IP Address, not a URL. |
Description | A collection of web pages that are associated with the business Legal Name or DBA accessible through the internet. |
JSON String | account_website |
Type | String |
Required | No, but recommended if available. |
Test Account
Description | Determines whether the application is a test or not. While developing, this should always be set to TRUE. |
JSON String | account_test_account |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Accept ACH
Description | Are you requesting an ACH account to accept ACH payments? |
JSON String | account_accept_ach |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Accept BC
Description | Are you requesting a Bank Card account to accept Bank Card Payments? |
JSON String | account_accept_bc |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Settlement Account Bank Name
Description | The Name of the Bank where the account resides that settlements will be posted to. |
JSON String | account_settlement_account_bank_name |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Settlement Account Name
Description | The Company Name on the account the settlements will be posted to. |
JSON String | account_settlement_account_name |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Settlement Account Number
Description | The Account Number for the account where settlements will be posted to. |
JSON String | account_settlement_account_number |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Settlement Account Routing Number
Description | The Routing Number to the account where settlements will be posted to. |
JSON String | account_settlement_account_routing_number |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Settlement Same As Fee Account
Description | Will the same Bank Account be used for both settlements and fees? |
JSON String | account_settlement_same_as_fee_account |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Fee Account Bank Name
Description | The Name of the Bank where the account resides that will be charged for fees. |
JSON String | account_fee_account_bank_name |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If Settlement Same as Fee Account = False then this field is required. |
Fee Account Name
Description | The Company Name on the account where fees will be charged. |
JSON String | account_fee_account_name |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If Settlement Same as Fee Account = False then this field is required. |
Fee Account Number
Description | The Account Number for the account where fees will be charged. |
JSON String | account_fee_account_number |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If Settlement Same as Fee Account = False then this field is required. |
Fee Account Routing Number
Description | The Routing Number for the account where fees will be charged. |
JSON String | account_fee_account_routing_number |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If Settlement Same as Fee Account = False then this field is required. |
Account o_account = new Account(); o_account.setAccountName( "TEST Account" ); Address o_legal_address = new Address( Address.XS_LEGAL ); o_legal_address.setLine1( "123 Oak Street" ); o_legal_address.setCity( "Toontown" ); o_legal_address.setState( "AZ" ); o_legal_address.setZipcode( "85284" ); o_account.setLegalAddress( o_legal_address ); o_account.setAccountPhoneNumber( "(800)555-4567" ); o_account.setCustomerServicePhoneNumner( "(800)555-6543" ); o_account.setDBA( "ACME Inc" ); o_account.setEntityType( Account.XS_ENTITY_TYPE_CORP ); o_account.setEIN( "123456789" ) o_account.setIpAddressOfAppSubmission( "" ); o_account.setWebsite( "" ); o_account.setAcceptACH( true ); o_account.setAcceptBC( true ); o_account.setSettlementAccountBankName( "US Bank" ); o_account.setSettlementAccountName( "TEST Account DBA ACME Inc" ); o_account.setSettlementAccountNumber( "1234567891011" ); o_account.setSettlementAccountRoutingNumber( "021000021" ); o_account.setSettlementSameAsFeeAccount( false ); o_account.setFeeAccountBankName( "US Bank" ); o_account.setFeeAccountName( "TEST Account DBA ACME Inc Fees" ); o_account.setFeeAccountNumber( "1234567891012" ); o_account.setFeeAccountRoutingNumber( "021000021" ); o_merchant_application.setAccount( o_account );