Terminal Object
This object is used when the Merchant will be utilizing a standalone terminal for their transaction processing, or need a terminal device to connect to an existing POS.
Tip Line
Description | Would you like to set up a tip line? |
JSON String | terminal_tip_line |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Auto-Batch Terminal
Description | Would you like the terminal to automatically batch? |
JSON String | terminal_auto_batch_terminal |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Auto Batch Time
Description | What time would you like the terminal to automatically batch at? |
JSON String | terminal_auto_batch_time |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Must be in increments of 30 min. Valid Values Below: XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_3_PM = "3 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_3_30_PM = "3:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_4_PM = "4 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_4_30_PM = "4:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_5_PM = "5 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_5_30_PM = "5:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_6_PM = "6 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_6_30_PM = "6:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_7_PM = "7 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_7_30_PM = "7:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_8_PM = "8 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_8_30_PM = "8:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_9_PM = "9 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_9_30_PM = "9:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_10_PM = "10 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_10_30_PM = "10:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_11_PM = "11 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_11_30_PM = "11:30 pm"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_12_AM = "12 am"; XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_12_30_AM = "12:30 am"; |
Auto Batch Time Zone
Description | The time zone being used for the batch time. |
JSON String | terminal_auto_batch_time_zone |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Signature Floor Limit
Description | Do not require signature for transaction amount less than $25 or $50. None = Print signature line on all transactions. |
JSON String | terminal_signature_floor_limit |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Valid Values Below: XS_SIGNATURE_FLOOR_LIMIT_25 = "$25"; XS_SIGNATURE_FLOOR_LIMIT_50 = "$50"; XS_SIGNATURE_FLOOR_LIMIT_NONE = "None"; |
Description | The number of these types of terminals the account would like. |
JSON String | terminal_quantity |
Type | Integer |
Required | Yes |
Terminal Manufacturer
Description | The manufacturer of the terminal the account would like to use. |
JSON String | terminal_manufacturer |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Valid Values Below: XS_MANUFACTURER_VERIFONE = "VeriFone"; XS_MANUFACTURER_INGENICO = "Ingenico"; |
Terminal Model Type
Description | The model type of the terminal the account would like to use. |
JSON String | terminal_model_type |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Valid Values Below: XS_MODEL_TYPE_IWL250_RETAIL = "IWL250 Retail"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_IWL220_RETAIL = "IWL220 Retail"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_IWL250_RESTAURANT = "IWL250 Restaurant"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_IWL220_RESTAURANT = "IWL220 Restaurant"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_ICT250_RESTAURANT = "ICT250 Restaurant"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_ICT220_RESTAURANT = "ICT220 Restaurant"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_ICT250_RETAIL = "ICT250 Retail"; XS_MODEL_TYPE_ICT220_RETAIL = "ICT220 Retail"; |
Terminal Connection Type
Description | The type of connection used to communicate with the terminal. |
JSON String | terminal_connection_type |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Terminal Implementation
Description | Who is providing the new terminal, or is it a reprogram? |
JSON String | terminal_implementation |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Terminal Billing
Description | If it is a new terminal, who do we bill for the terminal? |
JSON String | temrinal_billing |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | Required if a new terminal is being ordered. The spelling is exact on this value. Valid Values Below: XS_BiLLING_AGENT = "Agent"; XS_BiLLING_MERCHANT = "Merchant"; |
Company Name Descriptor
Description | A company name as it will appear on a consumer’s bank statements. |
JSON String | terminal_descriptor |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Limited to 25 A/N Characters. No Special Characters allowed. |
Shipping Address
Description | Residence associated with the person signing the Merchant Application. |
JSON String | Shipping_Address |
Type | Object |
Required | Yes |
Comments | XS_SHIPPING |
Address Line 1
Description | The Street Address portion of where the terminal will be shipped to. |
JSON String | address_line_1 |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Address City
Description | The City of where the terminal will be shipped to. |
JSON String | address_city |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Address State
Description | The State of where the terminal will be shipped to. |
JSON String | address_state |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Use only the two character state abbreviation. (i.e. AZ, NY) |
Address Zip Code
Description | The 5-digit Zip Code of where the terminal will be shipped to. |
JSON String | address_zipcode |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Terminal o_terminal = new Terminal(); o_terminal.setTipLine( true ); o_terminal.setAutoBatchTerminal( true ); o_terminal.setAutoBatchTime( Terminal.XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_6_PM = "6 pm" ); o_terminal.setAutoBatchTimeZone( Terminal.XS_AUTO_BATCH_TIME_ZONE_ET = "ET" ); o_terminal.setSignatureFloorLimit( Terminal.XS_SIGNATURE_FLOOR_LIMIT_NONE = "None" ); o_terminal.setQuantity( 1 ); o_terminal.setManufacturer( Terminal.XS_MANUFACTURER_INGENICO = "Ingenico" ); o_terminal.setModelType( Terminal.XS_MODEL_TYPE_ICT250_RETAIL = "ICT250 Retail" ); o_terminal.setConnectionType( Terminal.XS_IMPLEMENTATION_NEW_BC = "New (BC)" ); o_terminal.setBilling( Temrinal.XS_BiLLING_AGENT = "Agent" ); o_terminal.setDescriptor( "TestDBA" ); Address o_shipping = new Address( Address.XS_SHIPPING ); o_shipping.setLine1( "9876 West 1st St East" ); o_shipping.setCity( "Toontown" ); o_shipping.setState( "AZ" ); o_shipping.setZipcode( "85264" ); o_terminal.setTerminal( o_terminal );