ACH Details Object
This object is used to describe the various details associated with processing an ACH transaction. If your Merchant is not applying to accept ACH transactions, none of the below fields are required.
ACH Auth Method
All auth method percentages must add up to 100% |
Auth Method Conversion Percentage
Description | The percentage (estimated) of ACH transactions where an electronic version of a paper check and the process of converting transitional paper check into an electronic payment via a check reader. |
JSON String | ach_details_auth_method_conversion_percentage |
Type | Double |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If merchant is accepting ACH Payments via Conversion then field is required. |
Auth Method Online Percentage
Description | The percentage (estimated) of ACH transactions that are made online via a website payment page. |
JSON String | ach_details_auth_method_online_percentage |
Type | Double |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If merchant is accepting ACH Payments via an online portal then field is required. |
Auth Method Verbal Percentage
Description | The percentage (estimated) of ACH transactions that are made over the telephone (verbally). |
JSON String | ach_details_auth_method_verbal_percentage |
Type | Double |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If merchant is accepting ACH Payments verbally over a telephone then field is required. |
Auth Method Written-in-Person Percentage
Description | The percentage (estimated) of ACH transactions that are made on a written agreement that takes place in person. |
JSON String | ach_details_auth_method_written_in_person_percentage |
Type | Double |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | If merchant is accepting ACH Payments via a written in person agreement then field is required. |
ACH Thresholds
The below fields will be used for the merchants ACH thresholds. If a merchant will be accepting ACH payments then all fields are required. |
Average Monthly Amount
Description | The average (estimated) monthly dollar amount for ACH transactions. |
JSON String | ach_details_average_monthly_amount |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
Average Ticket Amount
Description | The average (estimated) single ticket dollar amount for an ACH transaction. |
JSON String | ach_details_average_ticket_amount |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
Max Monthly Amount
Description | The maximum (estimated) monthly dollar amount for ACH transactions. |
JSON String | ach_details_max_monthly_amount |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
Max Single Transaction Amount
Description | The maximum (estimated) monthly number of ACH transactions. |
JSON String | ach_details_max_single_transaction_amo |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
ACH Fees
The next fields describe various ACH fees. |
Discount Rate
Description | A percentage rate charged to every ACH transaction. |
JSON String | ach_details_discount_rate |
Type | Double |
Required | No |
Monthly Fee
Description | A flat monthly service fee for ACH acceptance. |
JSON String | ach_details_monthly_fee |
Type | Double |
Required | No |
Monthly Minimum Fee
Description | A fee assessed for not meeting the monthly minimum transaction volume. |
JSON String | ach_details_monthly_minimum_fee |
Type | Double |
Required | No |
Return Fee
Description | Fee assessed for any ACH transaction that has been returned or received an exception. |
JSON String | ach_details_return_fee |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
Unauthorized Returns Fee
Description | Fee assessed for any ACH transaction that a customer disputes. |
JSON String | ach_details_unauth_return |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
Per Item Fee
Description | Fee assessed for any ACH transaction attempt. |
JSON String | ach_details_transaction_fee |
Type | Double |
Required | Yes |
ACH Company Name Descriptor
Description | A company name as it will appear on a consumer’s bank statements. |
JSON String | ach_details_company_name_descriptor |
Type | String |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Max Length 16 Characters. |
Issue Credits
Description | Will the account issue ACH credits? |
JSON String | ach_details_issue_credits |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Issue Debits
Description | Will the account issue ACH debits? |
JSON String | ach_details_issue_debits |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Recurring Payments
Description | Will the account be utilizing recurring payments? |
JSON String | ach_details_recurring |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Submission Methods
Description | The ways by which ACH transactions will be submitted. |
JSON String | ach_details_submission_methods |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Payment To/From
Description | Who will the Merchant conduct ACH transaction with, businesses and/or consumers ? |
JSON String | ach_details_payment_to_from |
Type | String. Static Variables below. |
Required | Yes |
Comments | Valid Values: XS_PAYMENT_TO_FROM_CONSUMER_INDIVIDUALS = "Consumer / Individuals"; XS_PAYMENT_TO_FROM_BUSINESSES_ORGANIZATIONS = "Businesses / Organizations"; |
Merchant Reports
Description | Is the Merchant requesting daily ACH merchant reports. |
JSON String | ach_details_merchant_reports |
Type | Boolean |
Required | Yes |
Merchant Reporting Email
Description | The email address where the ACH daily reports will be sent. |
JSON String | ach_details_merchant_rep_email |
Type | String |
Required | Conditional |
Comments | Required if Merchant Reports = True |
ACHDetails o_ach_details = new ACHDetails(); o_ach_details.setAuthMethodOnlinePercentage( 50 ); o_ach_details.setAuthMethodVerbalPercentage( 25 ); o_ach_details.setAuthMethodWrittenInPersonPercentage( 25 ); o_ach_details.setAverageMonthlyAmount( 100000 ); o_ach_details.setAverageTicketAmount( 1000 ); o_ach_details.setMaxMonthlyAmount( 200000 ); o_ach_details.setMaxSingleTransactionAmount( 5000 ); o_ach_details.setDiscountRate( 1.25 ); o_ach_details.setMonthlyFee( 25 ); o_ach_details.setReturnFee( 0.5 ); o_ach_details.setCompanyNameDescriptor( "ACME Inc" ); o_ach_details.setDecriptor( "ACME Inc Explosive Sale" ); o_ach_details.setIssueCredits( true ); o_ach_details.setIssueDebits( true ); o_ach_details.setRecurring( true ); o_ach_details.addSubmissionMethod( ACHDetails.XS_SUBMISSION_METHOD_MANUALLY_VIA_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL ); o_ach_details.addSubmissionMethod( ACHDetails.XS_SUBMISSION_METHOD_VIA_A_GATEWAY ); o_ach_details.addPaymentToFrom( ACHDetails.XS_PAYMENT_TO_FROM_CONSUMER_INDIVIDUALS ); o_ach_details.setMerchantReports( true ); o_ach_details.setMerchantRepEmail( "" ); o_location.setAchDetails( o_ach_details );